Truck Accidents Fresno


Truck Accident Lawyer in Fresno, TX

The attorneys and staff at West & West are tireless advocates for our clients. We firmly believe in an educated and informed client.

That’s why we go the extra mile to make sure that all of our clients understand what is happening with their case.

A car accident can cause serious injuries or fatalities, depending on the circumstances. But if one of the vehicles involved happens to be a large truck or tractor-trailer, the consequences are compounded due to the truck’s massive size and weight.

In many cases, the truck driver is at fault for the truck wreck, but it’s the people in the passenger car who suffer the most severe injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (pdf) – the federal agency responsible for tracking highway collision data – 5,005 people were killed in the United States in 2019 in large truck crashes, and 159,000 people were injured.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The Fresno truck crash lawyers at West & West can help.

Why You Need a Fresno Truck Accident Lawyer

We recognize that you need to focus on recovering from your truck wreck injuries, not confronting trucking companies and their insurers. That’s why we’re ready to fight for you.

At West & West, we’re committed to holding all responsible parties accountable for the injuries they cause. Our goal is to attain full and fair compensation to cover your medical bills, lost income, regular expenses and pain and suffering.

Don’t delay getting the justice you deserve after a Fresno truck accident. Call us toll free at 713-222-9378 or fill out our online contact form. You’ll get a response within 24 hours, and your initial consultation is always free.

Causes of Truck Crashes in Fresno

If you think there are more big trucks on the highways these days, you’re right! There are now more than 10.5 million large trucks registered in the United States, a 74 percent increase in 20 years.

While commercial trucking growth is good news for the trucking companies and the nation’s economy, it is bad news for the cars, vans, and SUVs that share Texas’ roads with these potentially lethal giants.

Truck accidents, including wrecks involving tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, big rigs, semi-trucks, and dump trucks, are most often caused by:

  • Aggressive drivers
  • Unrealistic delivery schedules that encourage speeding and fatigued driving
  • Failure to inspect tires, brakes, trailer couplings, lights, and other equipment
  • Tailgating
  • Impairment caused by the abuse of over-the-counter or prescription medications, as well as alcohol and illegal drugs
  • Cell phone use and other driver distractions
  • Failure to install and check blind spot mirrors
  • Jackknifing
  • Speeding and ignoring reduced truck speed limits.

In Texas, more than 32,562 crashes involved Commercial Motor vehicles including 581 fatal wrecks, and 5,792 accidents that caused injuries in 2020, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

Facts About Truck Collisions

Large trucks are more likely to be involved in a fatal, multi-vehicle crash than passenger vehicles. There were 457 multi-vehicle fatal crashes involving large trucks in 2019, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports.

Almost two-thirds of fatal accidents involving tractor-trailers occur on rural roads. We will never know how many motorists have been lucky enough to have escaped a catastrophic encounter with a tractor-trailer.

Unfortunately, truck wrecks are common

How many passenger vehicles are confronted daily by aggressive, fatigued truck drivers putting in a 13-hour shift in order to make a professional wage and meet tight deadlines? Which 18-wheeler drivers have cheated on their hours-of-service logbooks?

Even with these commonly frightening scenarios and statistics, powerful trucking industry lobbyists continue to call for the weakening of truck safety rules and regulations to reap a higher profit.

How Truck Accidents Claims Are Handled in Fresno, Texas

When truck collisions occur, trucking companies involved in the accident often send representatives to the crash scene. These agents work to handle everything at the scene of the truck accident so that they can limit or mitigate their company’s liability.

These companies’ representatives know that the ideal time to confront an wreck victim is immediately following the event. Do not talk to them.

It’s important to reach experienced truck accident attorneys

If you have been involved in a truck wreck, contact our experienced Fresno truck crash attorneys. We can advise you about your rights and fight for your best interests.

Contact Our Fresno Truck Accident Attorney Today

Truck crashes are often more complicated than typical car accidents due to the more severe injuries and a potentially large number of defendants whose interest is in keeping the payout low. The Fresno truck wrecks lawyers at West & West are not afraid to take on trucking companies, their insurance companies, and their defense attorneys while fighting for the rights of our clients.

Our team of trucking collision attorneys has the right combination of in-depth knowledge of trucking industry regulations and expertise in victims’ rights to structure the most successful claims for our clients.

Let our Fresno Truck Accident Law Firm Assist You

Our Fresno truck wreck law firm can help you receive monetary compensation for medical costs, lost income, expenses, and the pain and suffering you’ve endured because of a large truck crash.

Whether we’re gathering evidence by preserving driver and truck records, consulting with you on legal strategies, or representing you in negotiations with insurance adjusters, our truck accident lawyers are always working with experience, integrity and personal attention to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation available to help in your recovery.

Call the experienced Fresno truck crash lawyers at West & West at 713-222-9378 now or fill out our online contact form.

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