Delivery Truck Accidents Deer Park


Deer Park, TX

Deer Park Delivery Truck Accident Lawyers

Work With Some Of Deer Park’s Most Respected Attorneys

Have you or someone you love been injured in a delivery truck accident in Deer Park? If so, you are likely worried about receiving the necessary medical care to fully heal your physical injuries and worried about being able to pay your medical bills and cover your other financial costs. It is highly advised that you consult with a local and experienced Deer Park delivery truck accident attorney to help navigate the complex legal considerations and processes against any major commercial company. Our team of aggressive Deer Park delivery truck accident lawyers stands ready to advocate for you and give you the best chance at winning full and fair compensation for your damages.

Delivery truck accidents can cause serious injuries and damages. If you are concerned about what steps to take following injuries as a result of a delivery truck accident in Deer Park, call West & West now at 713-222-9378. We offer a completely free consultation to discuss the specifics of your delivery truck accident injury case.

Deer Park Delivery Truck Accident Attorneys

Delivery Truck Accident Information

  1. What to expect after hiring a Deer Park delivery truck accident lawyer?
  2. Do I need a Deer Park delivery truck accident attorney?
  3. Common Causes of Deer Park delivery truck accidents
  4. How long do I have to file a delivery truck accident lawsuit?
  5. How much is my delivery truck accident case worth?
  6. Can I recover if I’m also at fault in my delivery truck accident?
  7. Fedex truck accident statistics
  8. How can our Deer Park delivery truck accident attorneys help?

What Can I Expect After Hiring a Deer Park Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer?

Delivery truck accident cases, especially those involving large corporations like Fedex, can be extremely complex and anyone from the delivery driver to the company themselves or quite possibly another motorist may be liable. For these reasons, it is vitally important to hire a skilled and aggressive Deer Park delivery truck accident lawyer right away. In many delivery truck accident cases, time is of the essence and your lawyer should immediately begin working on your case by:

  • Meeting with you in person, whether at the office, your home, or the hospital.
  • Gathering evidence about the delivery truck accident, how it happened, and who may be responsible.
  • Determining the party or parties who may be liable.
  • Figuring out what your case is worth.
  • Negotiating with the other parties or their attorneys.
  • Filing a lawsuit if required.
  • Building a case for settlement or trial, depending on the case.

Do I Need To Hire A Deer Park Fedex Truck Accident Lawyer?

The FedEx Corporation is a US courier delivery services company based in Memphis, Tennessee. As a global leader in local delivery services, FedEx has generated $69.2 billion dollars in annual revenue in fiscal year 2019 alone. FedEx has a fleet of over 180,000 motorized vehicles on US roads transporting more than 15 million packages a day to homes and businesses across the country. Given the sheer size and scope of the operations of FedEx – countless number of miles covered by FedEx delivery trucks every day – accidents involving their vehicles are statistically bound to happen. Unfortunately, when they do occur, they can be significant.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a FedEx delivery truck accident, you are likely dealing with a variety of issues that make life more difficult. In addition to the physical injuries, you may be dealing with a loss of income, mounting bills and medical expenses, and insurance companies. Factor in having to deal with recovering damages, or filing a lawsuit against a major corporation such as FedEx can be especially stressful.

FedEx, like most courier companies, are driven in their efforts to deflect responsibility after their drivers have injured someone in an accident. They utilize insurance experts and defense lawyers whose mission is to minimize or limit liability and preserve the company’s profits, which lowers your injury compensation or damages payout.

As such, a FedEx delivery truck accident case can be complicated and should be handled by experienced and skilled attorneys. Obtaining local legal representation can give you the time you need to heal physically and emotionally while still ensuring that you will be able to receive just compensation for your losses. Let our team of Deer Park Fedex Truck Accident Lawyers work for you to help you recover the financial compensation you deserve for your injuries.

What Is Unique About Suing Companies After Suffering Injuries In A Delivery Truck Accident?

While car accident cases are relatively straightforward, determining liability in a delivery truck accident can be a bit more complex. Commercial trucking companies often maintain seven-figure policies on each of the vehicles in their fleet. In an effort to avoid paying out large monetary awards on accident claims, companies routinely resist admitting fault and employ a strategy of forcing victims to prove all aspects of their claims. This tactic is designed to intimidate, delay, and confuse the injured person to submit to the initial settlement offer, which is almost always lower than what the injured person deserves.

National and international shipping and logistics is huge business, so you need the right attorney to handle your case properly. This includes the handling of all communications with the company’s attorneys and/or the insurance companies, ensuring that the correct documents are filed properly and timely, and vigorously advocating in negotiations and/or litigation is necessary, to secure your full and fair compensation for the injuries you or your loved one has suffered.

What Are The Common Causes Of Deer Park Delivery Truck Accidents?

With hundreds of thousands of vehicles transporting millions of packages across US roads, delivery truck drivers are bound to be involved in accidents with other motorists. Combined with the fact that delivery truck drivers are often trying to deliver packages under set timelines and after long shifts, the odds of accidents increase dramatically. These types of accidents happen all the time; many are avoidable and most of the time the cause fall into one of several common categories.

Driver Fatigue

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act regulates and sets strict limits on the hours that drivers may drive, how frequently they must break, and for how long. But with so much at stake and companies being on tight deadlines, oftentimes drivers spend more time on the road than is allowed by law. This can lead to sleep deprivation which can slow reflexes, motor function, reaction time, and may even lead to falling asleep at the wheel.

Drug or Alcohol Use

An unfortunate byproduct of the extra hours on the road is oftentimes the use of drugs to offset the fatigue. Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication is always a bad idea, but when the intoxicated driver is behind the wheel of a delivery truck the consequences can be catastrophic.

Speeding or Roadway Violations

Whether trying to make a deadline, hitting a daily quota, or simply racing to get home faster, drivers speed for any number of reasons. Regardless of why a delivery truck driver is speeding or otherwise not driving cautiously, it is a danger to everyone else on the road and increases the likelihood of an accident.

Mechanical or Engine Malfunction

Sometimes accidents are not the fault of the driver, but rather a failure or a fault somewhere on the rig. This can cause brake failures, tire blow outs, trucks swerving off the road, or any number of other crashes.

Load Issues

Sometimes the cargo being transferred was either loaded incorrectly, at an imbalance, or comes loose during transit. That much weight moving that fast or abruptly can often lead to accidents.

Unskilled or Underqualified Drivers

Delivery truck drivers go through rigorous training to obtain their CDL licenses, and oftentimes companies simply cannot find the manpower and are forced to hire underexperienced or unlicensed drivers. In some instances, companies have tried to save money by intentionally hiring drivers with minimum or substandard qualifications. Driving a delivery truck is not as simple as driving a regular car and a delivery truck driver with a lack of experience can be a real hazard on the road.

Weather conditions

The Houston area is known for inclement and rapidly changing weather. A delivery truck driver attempting to drive through hazardous weather when it simply is not safe to do so may be liable in the event of an accident.

Blind Spot Accidents

Delivery trucks can have major blind spots about the vehicle and oftentimes accidents occur when either the delivery truck driver or the other motorist are not aware of or heed the danger of a potential blind spot.

What Are Common Delivery Truck Accident Injuries?

Delivery truck accidents that involve passenger vehicles can be severe. Two passenger vehicles colliding can certainly have devastating consequences, but a passenger car is simply no match for the size and weight of a delivery truck. The damage from such an accident may be irreversible and last a lifetime, saddling you with current and future healthcare and life expenses. The following are typical truck accident injuries:


The force generated by a delivery truck crash can cause brain injuries extended beyond a mere concussion. Sometimes these injuries will not be symptomatic immediately, but the effects can be devastating.


Impact or whiplash to the neck and back can cause spinal cord injuries, potentially resulting in full or partial paralysis and respiratory problems.


With such a high degree of force broken bones and internal injuries and bleeding are commonplace in victims of a delivery truck accident.


Delivery truck accidents can often lead to soft-tissue damage of muscles, ligaments, and tendons and the result can be pain, swelling, bruising, and damage.


Burn injuries in delivery truck accidents can also be caused by contact with hot metal, hot water or steam escaping from a damaged radiator, or contact with other heated elements of the delivery truck.


Frequently, delivery truck accidents result in someone being trapped or pinned in or under a vehicle for a period of time. Sadly, this may result in the disabling or entire loss of a limb. This can require the use of a prosthetic, plastic surgery, or a lifetime of physical therapy and care.


Unfortunately, many delivery truck accidents are so severe that individuals do not survive. If your loved one died as a result of a delivery truck accident, either immediately or after the fact, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death suit. Of course, there is no amount of money that can bring a loved one back or ease the pain of losing them, but there may be unpaid medical bills, funeral expenses, life expenses, and pain and suffering that needs to be accounted for and to which you may be entitled.

Contact the Deer Park delivery truck accident attorneys at West & West if you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a delivery truck accident in Deer Park. We can help you recover the compensation you are entitled to and we are available at 713-222-9378.

How Long Do I Have to File a Delivery Truck Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

If you have been injured in a delivery truck accident, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit for damages. However, Sec. 16.003 of Texas’ Civil Practice and Remedies Code, limits the amount of time you have to take legal action to two (2) years. If you don’t file before the statute of limitations expires you will be permanently prohibited from pursing legal action for your injuries.

The best way to ensure that your delivery truck accident case is filed on-time is to seek legal representation from a skilled Deer Park personal injury attorney. At West & West, we are committed to helping you recover the money you deserve. Call us today at 713-222-9378 to schedule your no-obligation case evaluation.

How Much Is My Delivery Truck Accident Case Worth? What Damages Am I Entitled To?

Like virtually every type of case, all delivery truck accidents cases are different and there is a lot that goes into determining the value of a case and each case has its own particular facts and circumstances. Depending on your case you may be entitled to both economic and non-economic damages.

Damages for injuries to delivery truck accident victims in Deer Park can include payment for:

ECONOMIC DAMAGE – such as tangible out of pocket costs which are often established with bills and invoices

  • Medical expenses, including past, present, and future bills
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation costs
  • Damage to vehicle or property
  • Transportation costs
  • Costs of medical devices and modifications and accommodations to your home or vehicle
  • Costs of assistive devices
  • Expenses for in-home healthcare and household services
  • Lost wages, both from missed work and missed future earning potential
  • Household bills

NON-ECONOMIC DAMAGES – which include general intangible damages. These damages affect quality of life, but are oftentimes more significant, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Anxiety and post-traumatic stress (emotional distress)
  • Loss of companionship or consortium
  • Lifestyle Impairment

PUNITIVE DAMAGES – In some instances the responsible party’s conduct is so egregious, that punitive damages are appropriate as a means of punishment and a deterrent to future bad conduct.

In the event that loved one has died in a delivery truck accident you may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim for those left behind. Of course, no amount of money can bring your loved on back or provide adequate compensation, but you nevertheless may be able to recover for funeral and burial costs, loss of income, and loss of companionship.

The monetary and intangible costs of a delivery truck accident can be staggering; in addition to the mounting medical bills, there is a good chance that you’ve lost your income and earning potential as a result of the accident. You may only have a limited opportunity to get the money that you rightfully deserve after an accident. Here at West & West, our Deer Park delivery truck accident lawyers stand ready to fight for your rights to ensure a full financial recovery. On these types of cases, it is often helpful to work closely with expert witnesses to ensure that your injuries and damages are valued fully. This extra effort makes sure that you recover all you deserve for your delivery truck accident injuries.

Can I Recover If I Was Also At Fault In My Fedex Truck Accident?

Were you partially at fault in the accident with the FedEx delivery truck? If so, don’t worry. You are still entitled to a financial recovery as long as someone else also shares blame in causing the accident. Texas is a modified Comparative Fault state, with a 51% bar. This means that a person must be 51% at fault for the accident in order to be considered liable for the injured party’s losses. Your attorney will be instrumental in investigating the circumstances of the crash and proving that the other party is mostly to blame. In order to win your case, you will have to show that:

  • The defendant owed a duty of care to the injured.
  • The defendant breached this duty of care.
  • The breach of duty directly caused the plaintiff’s injuries.
  • The plaintiff suffered measurable loss (wages, hospital bills, property, etc.)

Due to the complexities of the law, you’ll want an experienced law firm on your side

Fedex Accident Statistics

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), between 2020 and 2022, FedEx Ground was involved in excess of 2,700 crashes on US roads. Of the 2,700+ crashes, 81 resulted in a fatality, and 916 resulted in physical injuries to the crash victims.

During the same two-year time period, FedEx drivers were issued over 3,800 unsafe driving violations for infractions such as: speeding (1,452 citations), lane restriction and lane change violations (610 citations), failure to obey traffic control devices/stop lights/stop signs (540 citations), driving while texting or using a cellphone (277 citations), and inattentive driving (58 citations). Further, there were 17 documented drug or alcohol related violations in which the FedEx driver was under the influence of chemical substances.

Additionally, there were 7,472 FedEx vehicle maintenance violations found in the same time two-year time period. These violations included failed truck airbrakes or brake system pressure loss (over 600 violations), inoperative turn signal lights (over 300 violations), operating on flat tires or tires with minimal tread (over 900 violations), operating commercial motor vehicle without proof of periodic inspection (over 200 violations), and many other violations involving defective FedEx delivery trucks.

Statistics such as these are exactly why our Deer Park FedEx delivery truck accident attorneys fight for our clients to hold companies like FedEx accountable for their negligence.

Deer Park Delivery Truck Accident Lawyers: How Can We Help You?

Across the country tens of thousands of people are injured every year in trucking accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a Deer Park delivery truck accident you have the right to seek financial compensation. The money you recover can help to cover expensive medical bills, make up for lost income while you recover from your injuries, and compensate you for the emotional stress of the accident and your injuries.

At West & West, our team of Deer Park delivery truck accident lawyers have seen first-hand the toll these accidents can take on the victims and their families. We’re here to help you assert your legal rights and recover the money you deserve. Contact us at 713-222-9378 for a free, no obligation case review and consultation.

To Learn More About Your Rights and Receive a Free Initial Consultation from Deer Park Delivery Truck Accident Attorneys, Contact us at 713-222-9378

How Do I Get Started With My Deer Park Delivery Truck Accident Case?

First thing is first, be sure to get the medical attention you need. Once you do that, the bills will start pouring in and the expenses add up in a hurry. Realistically you’ll want to contact an attorney as soon as possible. The evidence you may need is often freshest shortly after the accident, and you can rest assured that the party or parties responsible for your injuries will be gearing up for their own legal fight and you will not want to be left unprepared.

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